
The Vicar's Letter

Meeting minutes for September 2010
in the The Pavilion, Iden Green, Benenden
Click for Harmworths Memorial Trust (Closed meeting) minutes for September 2010
Click for minutes for July 2010

These notes are abstracted from the original minutes-for the full and proper copy please contact the Parish Clerk

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on Monday 20 September 2010
in The Pavilion, Iden Green

Present: Cllrs Bailey, Blockley, Clarke, Hagens, Hemsley, Lake, Kellett, Reynolds, Clerk, + 8 members of the public

31 Apologies:

32 Declarations of Interest:
Cllr MK declared a personal interest on TW/10/02800 + TW/10/02805/LBC Springhill Oast, Standen Street, Iden Green.
Cllr GR declared a personal interest on TW/10/01987 Barefield, Cranbrook Road,Benenden

33 Minutes:
The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Monday 19 July 2010 were confirmed and
signed by the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr DB Seconded: Cllr JC. PC Minutes resolved.

34 Matters Arising:
Minute No 27/10-11 TWBC Civic Amenity Refuse Collection
Chair PB reported on PC response. Main concerns: fly tipping, distance of North Farm facility; cost of bulky waste service and proposed timetable
Minute No 26/10-11 TWBC Core Strategy + TCAAP/Rural Plan
Chair PB reported on PC response
Minute No 21/10-11 Affordable Housing – Landspeed Development [LD]
Chair PB advised the AH committee had met with Ted Reddick of LD to listen to their proposals for the land behind the telephone exchange off New Pond Road. Chair PB confirmed to LD that BPC work closely with TWBC and ERHA. LD wish to carry out a survey as ACRK initial survey identified a need for rental housing not shared ownership. TWBC need further information from LD to understand what is being proposed.
TWBC Rural Review – Chair PB advised if BPC wanted to comment on the proposed rural review all comments must be in by 30 Sept.

35 Parish Councillor Vacancy:
Chair PB advised that unfortunately correspondence had been received from Cllr SD, who had to resign through personal reasons. TWBC had been notified and the notice procedure had been implemented. BPC will be advised if a by-election is to go ahead by 22 Sept 2010.

36 Kent Highways:
[i] Parish Reports - Discussion took place on the previously circulated reports. PC in general agreement that KHS are improving. Clerk confirmed communication has improved.
[ii] Footpath Walkhurst Road
Cllr GR expressed concern that the narrow footpath and the hedge at the property Hurstdene continue to cause problems for the elderly or prams along the corner of Walkhurst Road. Chair PB will check and speak with the owner. Clerk confirmed that Walkhurst Road path / safety improvements remained as identified works for 2011/12 following the JTB’s decision.
Chair PB, JC and Clerk to meet with KHS on 22 Sept 10 to discuss local issues PB/JC/BS
[iii] KHS Parish Seminar 27 Oct 9-2pm – Chair PB confirmed when agenda is issued the PC will decide which delegate to send. Only 1 place per PC. PC Action

37 Benenden Primary School Report:
Cllr GR advised DH had been re-elected Chair of Governors with PD as Vice-Chair. 4 new governors needed. T Claridge is the PCC representative. A Massey is to join.
Cllr GR had been advised by BM that a topographical survey had been conducted and soil investigators re-appointed.
Chair PB thanked GR for his report.

38 AGM Invitations:
[i] Cllr GR attended Kent CAN AGM. GR advised funding is out there. Lottery Funding; Change Up + Kent Partnership – Communities involved young + old.
Chair PB thanked GR for attending
[ii] CPRE AGM – Fri 19 Nov Lenham Community Centre
Chair PB asked for members willing to attend. No agenda available yet. GR + Clerk expressed an interest. PC Action

39 Local Consultations:
[i] TWBC Draft statement Licensing Policy response by 4 Oct
Cllr DB + JH confirmed this was a document aimed at businesses - no need for PC comment.
Mark Reid had confirmed he was not prepared to be the Licensor for individual hall events i.e.
21st party, weddings etc but he was happy to act as Licensor for village organized events i.e.:
Benenden Players, School Events.
Cllr JH had spoken with Sevenoaks District Council and received information on TENS. BVHMC
had amended booking forms to include the changes. It is the hirer’s responsibility to
apply for the TEN [Temporary Event Notice]
[ii] KALC – new guidance on Assessing Land for Designation as an AONB response by 8 Oct
Chair PB advised this was for new applications not previously established AONB. No PC
comment required.

40 Planning Report:
Cllr RL discussed previously circulated Monthly Planning Report [attached]
TW/10/01858 – Benton Hopper Huts, Dingleden TWBC GRANTED
Chair PB + MK gave a review of the history of Benton Hopper Huts. The building is still
standing despite enforcements by the Planning Inspectorate. An earlier application was
withdrawn following TWBC Parish Training when we attended and hi-lighted the case.
Subsequently another plan has been put forward and granted, this gives carte blanche to
people to build anything. PC feels let down by TWBC Planning + Enforcement Team.

TW/10/02057 – Hillside, Mill Street – TWBC Refused
PC was surprised at TWBC decision as PC felt it was an improvement.

TW/10/01542 – Beacon Hall Farm, The Packhouse – Revised Application
Cllr RL confirmed that the increase in noise, dust, traffic and light pollution has not been
addressed. PC Refuse

TW/10/02844 – School Farm, Cranbrook Road – Application
Cllr RL reported CLD was granted earlier in the year for this application. PC has not
changed its recommendations. PC Refuse

41 Financial Report:
[i] Payments made on Parish Council’s behalf since 14 July 2010

SO Harmsworth Trust – Clerk July 10 Salary 100.00
Chq Z Bawden – Marquee Donation 50.00
SO Harmsworth Trust – Clerk Aug salary 100.00
BK TWBC – Rent on Public Toilets 09/10 + 10/11 15.00
TOTAL 265.00
Chq No Supplier
424 Stationery Express – ink x 2, key tags, wallets 42.59
425 M English – Public Toilets July10 + bleach, disinfectant 193.00
426 B Sullivan – July 10 salary 650.09, postage 8.14 658.23
427 British Telecom – Office phone 21/7 – 20/10 81.85
D/D – Broadband Aug 10 18.99

428 Stationery Express – 558 b/w copies 7 clr PC July mtg, stny 41.23
429 M A Page – prepare + varnish parish noticeboard 52.87
430 Dell Inc – New Office workstation Vostro MT230 478.75
431 KALC – NALC full set of updated Standing Orders 25.00
432 KALC – Finance conference PB + BS 25 Sept 10 141.00
433 Audit Commission – Annual Return 09/10 Fee 205.63
434 Stationery Express – copying colour coded document + ink 40.39
435 J Clarke – Public Toilets toilet rolls 2 x 40 14.69
436 EDF Energy – Public Toilets 25 May – 24 Aug 10 55.35
437 B Sullivan – Aug 10 salary 626.63, postage 6.14 632.77
438 M English – Public Toilets Aug 10 + bleach 190.18
439 B Sullivan – Wealden Advertiser Vacancy notice 53.05
D/D – Broadband Sep 10 18.99
TOTAL 2944.56

After all cheques cleared:

Reconciled with Bank Statement 30 July & 31 Aug 2010

Clerk confirmed C/A held £500 and D/A held £12,547.43 PC Noted

Request to check EDF Energy £147.71 chq no: 413. Clerk confirmed majority of payment was standing charge to set up a new account and not electricity usage. Clerk Monitor

[ii] S137 request – Benenden Players
Chair PB read out a request on behalf of Benenden Players who’s Jan 11 production is
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. The major expense is the copyright and the production is
expected to cost approx £9k. Clerk had contacted TWBC to enquire about a community grant
but was advised that it is not available.
Chair PB proposed that the PC support the Benenden Players with a S137 donation of £250.
PC unanimous decision in favour of support. PC Resolved

Cllr RL enquired if Benenden Player’s receive any sponsorship – JC confirmed Travis Perkins.

42 Training & Development:
[i] TWBC Planning for PC - results of Planning Workshop. Mon 27 Sept 2-5pm Town Hall
PB/DB/MK/RL to attend
[ii] KALC Finance Conference Sat 25 Sept 9.30-4.30pm Lenham PB/BS to attend

43 Correspondence:
Clerk read from the previously circulated report 16 Sept 2010 [attached]

Chair PB advised that the vacancy in Vyvyan Cottages was due to Ken and Audrey Potter
leaving their property. PC agreed to send a letter wishing him well. PC Action
Clerk advised a 2 bedroom house vacancy is advertised in shops and on noticeboards.

Item 67 – Benenden Football re-launch request.
Cllr RL confirmed he had spoken to Will Hamilton who had approached the PC. 15 lads with
parental involvement and are happy to mend goal posts, to meet FA league standards. RL to
meet with him to hand over shirts and discuss options.

Cllr MK confirmed travelling people are definitely in the area and staying overnight in Dingleden
Lane. Cllr GR advised standing post needs repair and replace to ensure the recreation ground
is safe. Urgent action PC Action

There being no further council business the meeting closed at 8.45pm

Chair PB opened the meeting to the public

JB enquired if a 5 a side football team ever played.

RL explained that a different size pitch and goal were required.

MF felt it would be great to see a home team playing again as Benenden has had a thriving team in the past.

MF explained that his question at the 19 July meeting was to ascertain if BPC would not oppose development on the proposed site.

Chair PB reported again that no decisions will be taken until the plan is received and the impact on the parish is fully considered. The PC has to act on behalf of the village,

JB asked if the School Governors will look at the impact.

Chair PB confirmed that the planning application will give us all the opportunity to assess the impact.

MF enquired if the PC felt that the KCC proposal had failed on finding the right site. Talk of fear if the village school is lost, it would be the death of our village etc.

Chair PB – if this happened it would be a sad occasion.

BH wished to endorse the views of the PC. A meeting was held in Benenden. Local people were against the site that KCC have proposed. We have no idea what the plan is and so no PC decision can be made. There is an alternative site which is perfectly plausible.

MF thanked Chair PB for clarifying the situation.

Chair PB confirmed the PC had to reserve its position. It would never object purely for the sake of objecting. Many rumours and he had even been asked if he has a personal interest in an alternative site.

PD explained that in his past experience all major planning applications have to be accompanied by an EIA [Environment Impact Assessment]. It has to.

Chair PB advised that the PC hope it is treated by KCC +TWBC as a normal planning application and we get a chance to comment.

MF – KCC advised earlier this year that we may see the application in the autumn.

Chair PB – There is a little going on behind the scenes but no more information at the moment.

RL – even simple planning applications have Design + Access statements.

PD – KCC will put forward the planning application and they are the decision makers.

Chair PB thanked everybody for attending.

No further questions from members of the public the meeting closed at 8.58pm



Ordinary Meeting held 20 Sept 2010

Present: Cllrs Blockley, Clarke, Hagens, Hemsley, Lake, Kellett, Reynolds, Clerk

105 Apologies:
TWBC FR, Cllr Bailey

106 Minutes:
The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Harmsworth Memorial Trust held on Monday
20 September 2010 were confirmed and signed. Proposed: Cllr GR Seconded: Cllr MK

107 Minutes:
The minutes of the Closed Meeting of Harmsworth Memorial Trust held on Wednesday
1 September 2010 were confirmed and signed

108 Matters Arising:
Tree on PROW WC156 Chapel Lane
Clerk confirmed the ivy had now been removed and J Bibby [KCC] advised. Tree surgeon had given advisory notes. Broken birch branch requires removal and mature oaks require removal of dead wood pruned from the canopy once the ivy has died. HT Noted

109 Benenden Primary School - Access + Parking Options:
Chair PB reported HT had met with KCC Architects Clagues, Michael Rogers Surveyors and School Governors Project Group to discuss preliminary proposals for site access which relates to HT land. MKH Clokes have been appointed by HT. No further comment at present.

110 Benenden Village Hall:
BVHMC Chair JC advised Audrey Potter had resigned. A poster advertising the vacancy has been placed on noticeboards and shops. An independent parish member was sought to keep a cross-section of village activities, represented on the committee.

JC advised that electrics at BVH had been re-tested by another firm, estimate awaited.

JC confirmed information was being researched into Solar Panels. There are 3 different
types of panel. Small grants are available but not via local government anymore. RL
advised power generating companies offer the best grants as there are a variety of ways in
which they reclaim the money.
GR confirmed that it is a fast moving industry and perhaps HT should approach Jim Hyde who works in renewable energy.
Chair PB suggested a thorough survey was undertaken to allow the best
recommendations for BVH to be researched and to establish initial costs. Expert experience required. BVHMC Action

Chair PB reported on the deterioration of the village hall car park entrance.
3 quotes received: Ringway £3,304.84, Wilsons £3,485.00, Ashwood £2,600.00
Chair PB proposed that 50% of all costs be met by BPC Rate + BVHMC and proposed HT to accept Ashwood’s quote for works. HT resolved to use Ashwood.
JHem to liaise with JH re access to the BVH car park entrance HT Resolved

Chair PB advised that a drainage firm had been called in to investigate the issues in the car
park. 14.5mts of pipe blocked solid. 2 drains blocked. T Robb Groundworks has offered to do exploratory work at £180 per day. HT in agreement but monitor the works. HT resolved to use
T Robb for investigative works. HT Resolved

111 St Georges – Benenden Pre-School
Chair PB advised a request had been received from the Chairman of the Pre-School to meet with St Georges Committee to discuss repairs and improvements to the main entrance hall.
A hole in the partitioning wooden blocks to the front of the hall has now been repaired.
Linoleum which was raised and flapping causing concerns over tripping has been stuck down.
Entrance hall dowdy needs brightening. Parents are willing to prepare and paint if HT supplies the paint. Originally HT thought the paint had to be fire retardant but following an ongoing fire risk assessment by Les Aldous, a retired Fireman and fire risk advisor he has confirmed we just need to provide linked smoke alarms to the 3 properties [Club, Cottage, Pre-School] and we therefore do not require specialist paint. Liaise with Lene Darracott and confirm actions.
HT Resolved

112 Benenden + I/G Play Area – ROSPA Report
Clerk confirmed reports had been sent to Bourne Amenity and Lappset Playworld the
manufacturers of the play equipment, for costs to repair equipment. Site visits are arranged.

113 Finance Report Harmsworth Trust:
Payments made on Harmsworth Trust’s behalf since 12 July 2010
St Georges July 10 rent 158.33
BVH July 10 wages 519.75
St Georges Aug 10 rent 158.33
BVH Aug 10 wages 519.75
Preschool Summer Term 10 Fees + AGM 426.00 TOTAL 1782.16
Chq No Supplier
D/D Aviva - Insurance July 10 387.39
095 D.Dalrymple - July 10 + phone, petrol, clean exps BVH 539.95
096 M Austen – St Georges Flat replace bath panel / timber 67.20
SO Rate Account – BS Clerk July 10 100.00
D/D Aviva – Insurance Aug 10 387.39
097 K Jones Electrical – pendant fittings + fridge move 176.25
098 B Hatcher – Oak tree ivy removal 50.00
099 M Page – Ben PreSchool replace casement window 435.92
100 D.Dalrymple – Aug 10 salary 438.02
101 1st Call Arrow Ltd – BVH Car Park drains jetting + report 376.00
102 Playsafety Ltd – 2 ROSPA inspection reports 148.05
103 Bates, Wells & Braithwaite – charity law advice 340.75
SO Rate Account – BS clerk August 10 100.00
TOTAL 3546.92
After all cheques cleared

Reconciled with Bank Statement 30 Jul & 31 Aug 2010

Clerk confirmed C/A held £500 and D/A held £6,924.93

Balance in No 2 A/C 1037.81 HT Noted

114 Correspondence

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm

Copyright Tim Dwyer 2004 -