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The parish of Benenden includes Iden Green, East End, Standen Street and Dingleden with around 1900 residents (as well as 550 girls at the independent girls school). There are about 840 homes in the village across the 6,700 acres of rural landscape that comprises of 32 ancient 'dens'.

Despite its beautiful unspoilt setting the village has nearly a hundred businesses that provide employment for many hundreds of residents and those who 'commute' into the village.

The village year

There is a cycle of events that provide the heart to village life. This is typically ....

  • January provides opportunity for Wassailing
  • February is panto month - Oh yes it is!
  • March is time for the village spring clean
  • April sees the Grange cherry blossom
  • May sees the start of summer and local Morris sides dancing
  • June the traditional village fete takes place on the village green
  • July has the Benenden tennis tournament
  • August and September see the harvests being brought in
  • September swings to open air Jazz and Blues at Iden Green
  • The autumn spring clean spruces up the village
  • November sees the splendid village fireworks and Remembrance Sunday
  • December is filled with glorious Christmas festivities

Neighbourhood Development Plan

As with many English parishes Benenden developed a Neighbourhood Development Plan. This was based on a development by a team consulting with the local community.

After nearly six months considering evidence, and including a full day public hearing and the finally accepted report went to referendum in the village on February 3rd 2022.

The plan was accepted by 80.5% of those who voted (665 votes) and rejected by 19.5% (161 votes). There was a voter turnout of 56% compared to the average turnout in UK Neighbourhood Plan referendums at 32%.

Benenden NDP 2021

TWBC has formally recognised the plan as having the same legal footing as all the planning rules and guidelines with which TWBC Planning must comply.

The vision is "The Parish of Benenden in 2035 will be a thriving, peaceful and rural place to live, work and rest. It’s village feel and historic beauty will have been preserved through sympathetic and managed growth. We will have retained our existing major employers. Farming and other small businesses will be encouraged. We will offer everyone the chance to be part of an inclusive and vibrant community."

Read more about it on the dedicated Benenden Neighbourhood Development Plan web page

New primary school

At the centre of the village is the primary school. However the old school buildings on the village green are now replaced to transform the children's education. The new school is in the field adjacent to the Glebe Field and the Recreation Ground. The planning permission was granted in January 2013 and September 2019 saw the handover to the school and the use by the children of the village.

The children are now enjoying their splendid new school that looks glorious with its revitalised green roof. It is proving a worthy successor to the traditional school building on the village green.

Benenden life

Benenden green

There are many opportunities to meet up with fellow villagers (as seen by the list of links on the left hand side of the page) - events for all ages and interests.

Throughout the summer the cricket team plays on the green providing a quintessential Kentish scene - visitors can take in the Bull and have a stroll around the historic village church.

The parish has a splendid war memorial where the loss of the armed forces personnel during the two world wars are remembered (see this page for full details).

Benenden's landscape

Benenden book

Ernest Pollard and Hazel Strouts have written a major piece of work about the village -'Benenden Landscape' - read more about it and get a freecopy from this site by clicking here. They also wrote the unique article on the 'dens' of Benenden. You can also find 8 walks around Benenden described on that same page.

As recorded in Michael Davies' splendid and extensive 'Benenden - A Pictorial History' the village was one of the few places in the area known as the Weald (of Kent) that was named in the Domesday book. Benenden has largely escaped the development sprawl that has overtaken many a local village and is fortunate in retaining a some small independent shops and a thriving pub

Some Benenden events from years gone past ......

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee was celebrated with great enthusiasm across the village in June 2012 - you can see a list of what we did here.

The Queen's Golden Jubilee was celebrated over Monday June 3rd and Tuesday June 4th 2002 with the ever popular Iden Green Fayre and the family day on Benenden Green. Click on the picture of the Benenden Primary School maypole dancers for more images of the Golden Jubilee.

As part of the village's millennium celebration the new village sign was unveiled on Saturday 26th August 2000. - Click picture of the sign to see more about the unveiling of the sign.

Over that same weekend there was a wonderful flower festival held in and around St George's Church. Click the picture to see more about the Flower Festival


Iden Green and Benenden WI

Tue 18th Feb, 2pm

Delia Taylor's Memories of Desert Island
Click for details

Jasmin Vardimon Dance Company - NOW

Sat 22nd Feb, 7pm

Latest creation by choreographer Jasmin
Click for details

Bingo at St George's Club

Sat 22nd Feb, 8:15pm

Come and enjoy an evening with friends
Click for details

Mobile Library in Benenden village

Tue 25th Feb, 10am

Pick up the fortnight's reading
Click for details

Mobile Library at the hospital

Tue 25th Feb, 10:40am

Pick up the fortnight's reading
Click for details

Merry and Bright Club

Tue 25th Feb, 2pm

Lauren Smith: Living with Disability
Click for details

Benenden Symphony Orchestra Film Music - Free concert

Fri 28th Feb, 7:30pm

Music from Dambusters, Gladiator, James
Click for details

In Conversation with Davina McCall

Sat 8th Mar, 5pm

Celebrating International Women’s Day
Click for details

Benjamin Grosvenor - Pianist

Sun 16th Mar, 3pm

Sonorous lyricism & keyboard brilliance
Click for details

Sixth Form Music Scholars’ Concert

Fri 21st Mar, 1:30pm

Free Concert
Click for details

Sixth Form Music Scholars’ Concert

Fri 21st Mar, 1:30pm

Free Concert - open to all
Click for details

See full list of events