On August 3, 1944, at 12.30pm, Captain Jean Maridor of the RAF 91st Squadron took off on his last mission. Flying over the coast at Rye, he spotted a V1 flying bomb and set about the chase in his Spitfire and although he made repeated attempts to shoot it down he was unable to ground it. As the V1 made its way north he realised that the apparent trajectory of the V1 was Benenden School - a war time hospital sporting a large red cross on the roof. Captain Maridor made another attempt to bring the 'buzz bomb' down without success.
Realising the consequence to the hospital and the village of the V1 landing and exploding and with little regard for his own safety Captain Maridor closed in to the flying bomb. With less than fifty metres between his Spitfire and the V1 he let off a final salvo with teh canon.
The gigantic explosion tore off the right wing and the Spitfire plummeted to the ground. Captain Maridor's remains were found close by the hospital surrounded by the aircraft's wreckage.
Benenden residents of the time vowed would never forget the bravery of the 23 year old French flyer Captain Jean Maridor DFC who died in action 3rd August 1944 to save their village
Information and picture sourced with thanks from http://www.jean-maridor.org and http://www.ordredelaliberation.fr/fr_compagnon/647.html
Iden Green and Benenden WI
Tue 18th Feb, 2pm
Delia Taylor's Memories of Desert Island
Click for details
Jasmin Vardimon Dance Company - NOW
Sat 22nd Feb, 7pm
Latest creation by choreographer Jasmin
Click for details
Bingo at St George's Club
Sat 22nd Feb, 8:15pm
Come and enjoy an evening with friends
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Mobile Library in Benenden village
Tue 25th Feb, 10am
Pick up the fortnight's reading
Click for details
Benenden Symphony Orchestra Film Music - Free concert
Fri 28th Feb, 7:30pm
Music from Dambusters, Gladiator, James
Click for details
In Conversation with Davina McCall
Sat 8th Mar, 5pm
Celebrating International Women’s Day
Click for details
Benjamin Grosvenor - Pianist
Sun 16th Mar, 3pm
Sonorous lyricism & keyboard brilliance
Click for details